Hayao’s Sukkyon
Category Name:Life Events / Rituals
This is a rite of passage for young men of the Hayao area. To be recognized by the community as fully-fledged adults, they lift a heavy model of male genitalia. The origins of the event are unknown, but there are accounts of it being held as early as the Meiji period. (1868 - 1912 )
Hikawa Town
Life Events / Rituals
Specific Location
Hayao, Hikawa Town (former Miyahara Town)
Cultural Property Designation
Hikawa Town (former Miyahara Town Intangible Folk Cultural Property, March 1, 2003), Nationally-selected Intangible Folk Cultural Property December 21, 1982
Performance Date(s)
No fixed date
Performance Location
Preservation Society
Hayao's Sukkyon Event Preservation Society