Higo Kagura
Category Name:Kagura
"Kagura, generally referred to here as Higo Kagura, is widely distributed throughout the northern part of the prefecture, although with some differences in content. This shrine's Higo Kagura is a typical example. In the past, each shrine trained its own dancers, but in 1941 a kagura society was formed by Shinto priests, and now kagura is passed down to the priests of shrines in and around Kumamoto City. There are 12 scenes in this Kagura starting with "Shiki-kagura", followed by "Masakaki", "Kenkyu", "Ni-ken", "Chohei", "Hoken", "Habaya", "Shinsenka","Shi-ken", "Shihohai", "Kunitsu" and "Jichin no Mai". Except for Kunitsu, which includes a masked dance, all are performed without masks or costume changes. The basic music is performed with flutes and drums. Kane join for Shi-ken and Shihohai. Currently, Kagura is continued by shrine priests and lay people around Kumamoto City."
Kumamoto City
Specific Location
Cultural Property Designation
Kumamoto Prefecture DesignatedImportant Intangible Folk Cultural Property Apr.22, 1960
Performance Date(s)
Same dates as the Annual Grand Festival of Fujisaki Hachiman-gu shrine, etc.
Performance Location
Fujisaki Hachiaman Shrine
Preservation Society
Higo Kagura Society