Hitoyoshi Tano Tawara-Odoori (Bale Dance)
Category Name:Furyu (Rice-Bale Dance)
This dance is an expression of gratitude for a bountiful harvest, and was taught by an elderly woman named Oyoshi from Miyazaki Prefecture in the middle of the Meiji period. The dancers (women) appear on stage carrying straw bales. They first line up in two rows, then throw the bales from hand to hand in a circular pattern, piling them one after the other in the center of the circle, and then handing them back to the dancers one by one as they exit while dancing to the musical accopaniment by two shamisen, a drum, and a gong. The costumes are white hachimaki, furisode (long-sleeved kimono with a large pattern), and andon-bakama (not a culotte-type, but a skirt-type hakama) with tekou and ashi (arm and leg protection). The dancers used to be 16- to 17-year-old girls, but in recent years, the dance has been handed down by the women's club in the same area.
Hitoyoshi City
Furyu (Rice-Bale Dance)
Specific Location
Cultural Property Designation
Kumamoto Prefecture Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property, June 26, 1961
Performance Date(s)