Iwamoto Kagura
Category Name:Kagura
This kagura belongs to the Higo kagura lineage. According to the origin story passed down at the shrine, on September 25, 1871, the Ujiko decided to perform the Kagura as a prayer for the happiness and prosperity of the villagers. With the cooperation of the shrine staff of Hazama "Oshichi-tsubo" and the chief priest of Kitamiya Shrine as instructors, the first Kagura group (kagura ren) was formed with 16 performers. There are now eight dances to music of flutes and drums: Sakaki-mai, Shide-mai, Kome-mai, Kyuken-mai, Yumi-mai, Tsurugi-mai, Uta-mai, and Jigatame-mai. Kijin-mai and Saba-mai were performed in the past. 《composition》 2 drums, 2 flutes, 6 dancers
Kikuchi City
Specific Location
Benri: Iwamoto Area (former Kyokushi Village)
Cultural Property Designation
Kikuchi City Intangible Folk Cultural Property April 1, 1982
Performance Date(s)
Summer Festival (July 25), Autumn Festival (November 25), Iwamoto Tenjin Festival (December 15)
Performance Location
Iwamoto Sugawara Shrine (Summer Festival and Autumn Festival); Maki Tenjin (Iwamoto Tenjin Festival)
Preservation Society
Iwamoto Kagura Preservation Society