Kakihara Ozaya Meisho
Category Name:Other
Approximately 80% of Kagami-machi is land formed by reclamation, and reclamation has been repeated many times. This includes the construction of Nanahyaku-cho Shinchi in 1821, the largest of such reclamation works, requiring gruelling labor from migrant workers. "Ozaya Meisyo" is a labor song that was born under such circumstances. The tragic love story of Amura-Amakusa-born daughter “Okiku-san” and labor foreman "Daibadon (Rihei)" is woven into the dance with an interesting musical accompaniment to a light rhythm. This performance continued in other areas involved in the reclamation work along the Yashiro and Ariake Sea coasts with some differences in lyrics in each area. Elementary school students have preserved and handed down the tradition in the Kakihara district.
Yatsushiro City
Specific Location
Kakihara, Kagami-machi
Cultural Property Designation
City-designated Intangible Folk Cultural Property March 19, 2004
Performance Date(s)
local events
Performance Location
Innyaku Shrine, etc.
Preservation Society
Kakihara Kodomo-kai Ozaya-meisho Preservation Society