Kiyama Kagura
Category Name:Kagura
It is said that the present day Kiyama Kagura Dance was completed by combining with the best parts of the Higo Kagura Dance in the Taisho period (1912-1926 ) by a dancer called Ichiro Nakagawa. It is also said that the Kiyama Clan first resided in Kiyama in 1441. They dedicated the Aso-style kagura dance to the Kiyama Shrine , their guardian shrine . Although the details are unknown it is certain that the kagura continued being performed from the Edo era to the mid Meiji period . It also suggests that the the Higo Kagura lineage was also performed from the Edo period before it was discontinued to become the present production of the Kiyama Kagura.
Mashiki Town
Specific Location
Kiyama, Mashiki Town and other places
Cultural Property Designation
Performance Date(s)
holiday October 17th
Performance Location
Kiyama Shrine
Preservation Society
Kiyama Shrine