Kodai-gaku (Acient Dance with Music)


Category Name:Furyu (Musical Performance)

The Kobaru Gion Festival is held at Kobaru Sugawara Shrine, a branch of Sugawara Shrine. Legen holds that the festival began when four gods - Kuninosametsuchino-kami, Takehaya Susano’o-no-mikoto, and Hinokagutsuchino-kami - through Noh dance and music, appeased the wrath of Susanao-no-mikoto, the deity of Gion. This is usually called "gaku" or "hono (dedication) gaku" and is an event of the Gion Shrine Festival. 《composition》 musicians (shime-daiko, 5 don and five kan), 3 isamifuri, flute-players (at least 5 taking turns), and 10 andon (lantern)-bearers.


Nankan Town


Furyu (Musical Performance)

Specific Location

Kobaru, Nankan Town

Cultural Property Designation

Designated by the town

Performance Date(s)

Saturday nearest April 15

Performance Location

Kobaru Sugawara Shrine East end of the shrine (in front to Gion-sha)

Preservation Society

Community Folk Tradition Preservation Society