Koutsuura Suwa Shrine Jataiko Odori (Drum Dance)
Category Name:Furyu (Furyu Style Dance)
This dance, dedicated at the Suwa Shrine Festival , is held in the Kouitsuura district of the town in mid-October every year. In addition to the street dance and the general dance, there is also a silent drama dance that imitates Kabuki. 《programs》 Taiko-mae Odori, Shikisan Odori, Karyudo (Hunter), Kawa no Sendo (River Boatman), Karausu
Amakusa City
Furyu (Furyu Style Dance)
Specific Location
Koutsu-ura, Ariake-machi
Cultural Property Designation
Performance Date(s)
the 3rd Sunday in October
Performance Location
Koutsuura Suwa Shrine
Preservation Society
Koutsuura Suwa Shrine Ujiko General Association