Momigi Kagura
Category Name:Kagura
Momigi Kagura, said to have originated from Takachiho Kagura, is said to have been introduced to the Motegi district, which is one mountain away from the Mukouyama district in Shiiba Village, Miyazaki Prefecture. It started in the latter half of the Edo period (around 1800) and was unavoidably interrupted during WWII, but the residents' attachment to this kagura was so deep-rooted that the it was revived shortly after the war. Every year on the 4th Saturday and Sunday at the Momigi Shrine Grand Festival, prayers are offered for a good harvest and the kagura is performed for the gods. Omiki, sacred sake, is shared while dances wearing the mask of a demon are performed.
Yatsushiro City
Specific Location
Momigi, Izumi-machi
Cultural Property Designation
City-designated Intangible Folk Cultural Oroperty October 30, 1987
Performance Date(s)
the 4th Saturday and Sunday in October
Performance Location
Momigi Tenman-gu Shrine
Preservation Society
Momigi Kagura Preservation Society