Nagomi Daiko (Drum)
Category Name:Other
As part of the activities of the Naka-sogawa District Children's Association, people in the community started this activity in 1999 with the aim of cultivating a sense of solidarity and heritage by showing the culture of the village through traditional drum performance. The dance is, therefore, mostly performed by the children of the village with only a few adults. These days, due to sdeclining birthrate, a some children from outside the district also participate. These performances are shown at community gatherings, the Ayu salmon Festival, and other local events. It consists of nine long-bodied drums (two 66-cm drums, two 57-cm drums, and five 49-cm drums) and five flat drums.
Kosa Town
Specific Location
Itoda, Kosa Town
Cultural Property Designation
Performance Date(s)
・Town Meeting ・Ayu Salmon Festival, etc.
Performance Location
Town Meeting / Ayu Salmon Festival
Preservation Society
Nagomi Drum Preservation Society