Ogawa Aso Shrine Tokosei
Category Name:Rites and Festivals (Folk Belief)
Children reenact the daimyo's procession through the town. Their childish innocence is very popular. The Yatsushiro Myoken festival was established around 1691 and these performances in Ogawa must have been modeled after it. The dance is commonly called "tokosei" because participants call this out. It is led by a young person from the Tera-machi district of Ogawa called "yakko-cho," who is accompanied by about 20 first through sixth graders from Ogawa Elementary School and several nursery school children in the reenactment of the feudal procession. The origin of the festival is not known, but it was mentioned in a document in 1794, along with the lion dance.
Uki City
Rites and Festivals (Folk Belief)
Specific Location
Ogawa (Tera-machi) Ogawa-machi )
Cultural Property Designation
Ogawa-machi Intangible Folk Cultural Prperty September 16, 1975
Performance Date(s)
October 15th
Performance Location
Ogawa Aso Shrine
Preservation Society
Tera-machi Tokosei Preservation Society