Ooe Hachiman-gu Shishi-mai & Taiko Odori (Lion Dances & Drum dance)
Category Name:Lion Dance / Tiger Dance / Bull Dance (Lion Dance)
The origins of the festival date back to August 15, 1659 (the second year of the Manji Period ), and the current portable shrine was made in 1837 (8th year of the Tenpo Period), but it was repainted and renovated during the Meiji era and again in 1968(Showa 43). In addition to the Shinto rituals using the sandwiched box and torige, presentations of a taiko dance,a lion dance, anda miko dance are also performed.
Amakusa City
Lion Dance / Tiger Dance / Bull Dance (Lion Dance)
Specific Location
Amakusa machi Ooe
Cultural Property Designation
Designated by Amakusa City as an important intangible folk cultural property on May 31, 1992
Performance Date(s)
the 4th Sunday in March and the 4th Sunday in October
Performance Location
Ooe Hachimanguu Shrine
Preservation Society
Oe Hachimangu Shrine Ujiko General Association