Sakae-machi no Shishi-mai (Lion Dance)
Category Name:Lion dance, Tiger dance, Cow dance (lion dance)
Sakae-machi's lion dance is a fully-fledged lion dance with two lions (each performed by two people : one in the lion head and front legs, one taking the rear part) and is dedicated to Matsuhashi Shrine. The form of the dance is that of a dreamlike world in which two lions, one male and one female, are asleep under the peony blossoms, but are awakened by the sound of a bell waved by a child. The melancholic sound of the suona (a horn like instrument) in this elegant music invites the viewers to be swept into a fairy tale world. The number of performers needed are four lion dancers, (alternates make it eight), two children in Chinese dress (including 1 alternate), several people in charge of musical instruments such as flutes, gongs, and charmera ( a horn like instrument) . A dozen or so children and adults pulling a cart carrying peonies in full bloom, as well as a dozen or so people involved in backstage help.
Uki City
Lion dance, Tiger dance, Cow dance (lion dance)
Specific Location
Matsubase Binya, Matsubase-machi
Cultural Property Designation
Matsubase-machi Intangible Folk Cultural Property December 11, 1975
Performance Date(s)
October 9th
Performance Location
Matsubase Shrine
Preservation Society
Sakae-machi Lion Dance Preservation Society