Sanjingu Reitai-sai Shinko Gyorets (Annural Festival Shito Procession)
Category Name:Rites and Festivals (folk belief)
The parade is held to give thanks for a bountiful harvest, and consists of a lion, a sacred horse, a shrine flag, a salt water bucket, a masakaki (evergreen tree), a Michibikijin - God of the road, a taiko drum, a kagura, a drum, Oonusa (a large note of money), a large umbrella, a portable shrine, a large umbrella, a saishu who leads shito rituals, saishu who help and assist saishu, a kagura performer, a procession of followers, an armoured warrior, a yakko, a children's mikoshi, a mikoshi of Hikawa JHS students in Hikawa, a decorated horse (pony/junior high school students in Hikawa), a hayaodora and a kameshi. After the Shinto rituals, the procession departs from the Sanjingu Shrine, parades through the town, stops at the Kawarataijingu Shrine, and then returns to the Sanjingu Shrine.
Hikawa Town
Rites and Festivals (folk belief)
Specific Location
Shimo-miya, Hikawa Town (former Miyanohara Town)
Cultural Property Designation
Performance Date(s)
October 13
Performance Location
Sanjingu Shrine Kawahara Dai-jingu Shrine
Preservation Society
Sanjingu Shrine