Takahama Hachiman-gu Shishi-mai & Taiko Odori (Lion Dance &Drum dance)


Category Name:Lion Dance / Tiger Dance / Bull Dance (Lion Dance)

There are 12 shrines enshrined in each village in Takahama, and 7 of them are used as "Otabisho," where lion dances and drum dances are performed, and prayers are offered at the remaining 5 shrines. There is an Ueda family document called "Records of Shinto Procession Rituals" dated 1866 (Keio 2), which shows how the procession was very formal at that time. The parade consists of the "daigasa", "tategasa", "torige","Hasami-bako yakko-odori" - dance by men holding a traveling chest, lion dance (2 lions with 2 people in it), as well as drum dance. It is presented at the autumn festival of Takahama Hachimangu Shrine.


Amakusa City


Lion Dance / Tiger Dance / Bull Dance (Lion Dance)

Specific Location

Takahama-Minami, Amakusa-machi

Cultural Property Designation

Amakusa City Designated Important Intangible Folk Cultural Asset May 31, 1992

Performance Date(s)

the 2nd Sunday in September

Performance Location

Takahama Hachimangu Shrine

Preservation Society

Takahama Hachimangu Shrine Ujiko General Association