Tsuka-no-waki no Tora Odori (Tiger Dance)
Category Name:Furyu (Furyu Style Dance)
The dance's origins are not clear. It starts off with Michi-odori-no-Niwairi (a street procession, who dance their way into a garden). The next scene focuses on Rokubu-no-Junrei (a pilgrim's journey). The third scene depicts a conversation between a samurai and a tea house owner, with the samurai subsequently fighting off a tiger. In the fourth scene we see the final fight between the tiger and those gathered to finish him off, leading to Michi-Odori-no-Hiki.
Asagiri Town
Furyu (Furyu Style Dance)
Specific Location
Tsukanowaki (Ue-nishi, Asagiri Town)
Cultural Property Designation
Asagiri Town Intangible Folk Cultural Property May 1, 1972
Performance Date(s)
Performance Location
Preservation Society
Tsukanowaki Tora Odori Preservation Society