Uchinohara Mushi-oi (Repelling Insects)
Category Name:Production and Livelihood
This is one of the rituals worshiping the god of rice fields and praying for a good harvest. Since the Kamakura period (1185-1333), people have prayed for a good rice harvest in front of the Tenmangu shrine. Later, a part of the ritual was dedicated at Jugo-sha Shrine as “Mushi-oi,” which means to drive insects pests from the fields. It is said to have originated when people beat flutes and drums and chased insects out of the rice fields with bamboo leaves.
Amakusa City
Production and Livelihood
Specific Location
Uchinohara, Kutama-machi
Cultural Property Designation
designated as Amakusa City Designated Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property April 1, 1980
Performance Date(s)
the 1st Sunday of July
Performance Location
Uchinohara district