Yometori Matsuri
Category Name:Other
It is not known when this performance began, but it is believed to have been held at least as early as the end of the Edo period (1603-1868). The ceremony is held in the garden of the head parishioner of Sugawara Shrine. Nekoboku (a thick mat made of straw) is laid out in the garden and a curtain placed around it. The priest performs the rites and speaks words of congratulations. Then the “bride” and “groom” exchange nuptial sake cups, with a young child serving the sake, and a temporary couple is created. The marriage is valid only on the Nekoboku.
Kikuchi City
Specific Location
Hiegata area
Cultural Property Designation
Kikuchi City Designated Intangible Folk Cultural Property October 25, 2011
Performance Date(s)
December 20 (expected to change from now on)
Performance Location
Preservation Society
Representative of Hiegata Sugawara Shrine