Aso Kodai Kagura (Aso Ancient Kagura)


Category Name:Kagura

This traditional Kagura dance is performed at the Uno Matsuri (Day of the Rabbit festival), Tatsukuri Matsuri (Rice Planting Festival), Otaue Matsuri (Otaue Rice Cultivation Festival), Tanomi Matsuri (Harvest Festival), and the Hitaki no Shinji (Fire burning Shinto ritual) at Shimonomiya (Frost Shrine) in Aso Town. The dances and music are performed by the priests of Aso Shrine. The dances are performed with each person on a mat about two tatami mats in size, in the dance the performers spin around one way then another. The items used in the dance may vary from sakaki (sacred evergreen leaves) to swords depending on the ceremony, but the dance remains the same.


Aso City



Specific Location

Miyaji, Ichinomiya-machi

Cultural Property Designation

Performance Date(s)

In accordance with each ritual

Performance Location

Aso Shrine and others

Preservation Society