Hagi Kagura
Category Name:Kagura
Hagi Kagura is said to have started around the Jokyo era (1684) in the first half of the Edo period, and it follows the style of Iwato Kagura in Miyazaki Prefecture. It is said that there used to be 33 performances, but only 24 remain on record, some of which are only songs and some of which are accompanied by kagura. The mainstream of this kagura was a dedication to the gods with wishes for abundant harvest and gratitude for survival. It was regarded so sacred that those without qualification as Shinto priests were not allowed to dance in the past. In addition, a dedication dance was performed surrounded by gohei (staff with plaited paper streamers) into which women were not allowed to enter.
Yatsushiro City
Specific Location
Hagi, Izumi-machi
Cultural Property Designation
City-designated Intangible Folk Cultural Property October 30, 1987
Performance Date(s)
March 15, October 17 of the lunar calendar
Performance Location
Hagi Shrine
Preservation Society
Hagi Kagura Preservation Society
Hagi Shurire