

Category Name:Lion Dance / Tiger Dance / Bull Dance (Lion Dance)

The lion dance is performed by parishioners of the Shimo-Ideda and Uekoga districts. The two lions circle the shrine hall three times in a clockwise direction to the accompaniment of music, and then the dance is dedicated to the gods. 《composition》 2 lions (two people in each), 2 lanterns, 1 clapper, 12 flutes, 3 drums


Kikuchi City


Lion Dance / Tiger Dance / Bull Dance (Lion Dance)

Specific Location

Shimo-Ideta, Uekoga

Cultural Property Designation

Kikuchi City Intangible Folk Cultural Property March 30, 1981

Performance Date(s)

November 25th

Performance Location

Wakamiya Shrine

Preservation Society

Ideta-no-Shishimai Preservation Society