Ima Iwato Kagura
Category Name:Kagura
The Kagura of Nanatsu-yama has been handed down through interaction with people who were adopted and came from Nanatsu-yama (Morozuka Village, Higashi-usuki-gun) Miyazaki Prefecture, and people who dance Kagura in Shimo-nagasaki. The Katsura Kagura of Nanatsu-yama is said to belong to the Mukaiyama Kagura of Takachiho lineage. The music consists of shime-daiko, flute, and "gane", with a bell held in the right hand, a fan in the left, also sakaki, "gohei" a sword, and a bamboo staff with tassels on both ends are used.
Yamato Town
Specific Location
Yamato Town, Ima Soyou=machi)
Cultural Property Designation
Performance Date(s)
Performance Location
Rotating among private houses in the Ima district
Preservation Society
Ima kagura Preservation Society