Sanjingu Higo Kagura


Category Name:Kagura Dance

Kagura was held at the annual festival and performed at Bunsei village in the Meiji era, but in July 1933, around the time of the Summer Festival, the idea of performing Kagura was proposed by Nakagawa Seiki of Kami-miya. Kagura performer volunteers were recruited with the help of the fire brigades in Kami-miya and Shimo-miya and under the guidance of Sonoda Tsugu of Hotaku-gun Kamidai this kagura was formed. Ten troupes remain today: Sanza, Kashira-naide, Shihou-hai, Jichin, Sakaki, Ken-kyu, Ni-ken, Ho-ken, Haya, Shi-ken  Each time a different type of kagura is performed, a kagura song is sung and the dance is performed. Each dance is sung and performed by children and passed on to the next generation.


Hikawa Town


Kagura Dance

Specific Location

Shimo-miya, Hikawa Town (former Miyahara Town)

Cultural Property Designation

Performance Date(s)

7/28.7/29.10/12.10/13 July 28th & 29th, October 12th & 13th, October 13th

Performance Location

Sanjingu Shrine, Kawahara Dai-Jingu Shrine, Innyaku Jinja Shrine, Myouken-gu Shrine

Preservation Society

Sanjingu Higo Kagura Preservation Society