Shimo-Tsufukae Shrine Shishi-mai & Taiko Odori (Lion Dance & Drum dance)
Category Name:Lion Dance / Tiger Dance / Bull Dance (Lion Dance)
The procession is led by a portable shrine, accompanied by flutes and drums, and features hasami-bako (traveling chest), torige (pole decorated with bird feathers), lion dance, and drum dance. A lunch party is held in each district, which is enjoyed by all. The drum dance consists of three parts, each with its own unique gestures and grace.
Amakusa City
Lion Dance / Tiger Dance / Bull Dance (Lion Dance)
Specific Location
Shimoda, Amakusa-machi
Cultural Property Designation
Amakusa City Designated Important Intangible Folk Cultural Asset May 31, 1992(Heisei 4)
Performance Date(s)
the 2nd Sunday of October
Performance Location
Shimo-Fukatsue Shrine
Preservation Society
Shimotsu Fukae Shrine Ujiko General Association