Takawara no Toramai (Takawara Tiger Dance)

Category Name:Lion Dance / Tiger Dance / Bull Dance (Tiger Dance)

In Aso City "Tora-mai" is known as "Shishi-mai" when it is dedicated to the gods, but because it is so fearsome, when performed on other occasions it is called "Tora-mai" (Tiger Dance). The Takawara Tiger Dance has 2 tigers, each tiger is controlled by 2 people; one taking the head and one the tail end. The tiger dance is performed at the lunar New Year to celebrate and pray for a good harvest. The dance consists of the following parts: "Maidashi", "Dewa", "Orishiki-mai", "Nidan-mai"(performers stand on each other's shoulders and perform the tigers and the dance), "Tawara Dance", and "Sandantsugi" ( performers make a tower of 3 people standing on each other's shoulders).


Aso City


Lion Dance / Tiger Dance / Bull Dance (Tiger Dance)

Specific Location

Takawara (formerly Aso-machi )

Cultural Property Designation

Kumamoto Prefecture Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property January 14, 1986

Performance Date(s)

no fixed date

Performance Location

Preservation Society