Takeda School Kisha Yabusame
Category Name:Other
Yabusame as a martial art was passed down through a prince of Emperor Seiwa through seven generations of the Minamoto Clan about 1,100 years ago. Two styles developed: theTakeda School and Ogasawara School. The Takeda school was passed down from Nobunao of the Wakasa Takeda Clan to Hosokawa Fujitaka (Yusai) - an in-law of the Takeda Clan - and then passed directly to his retainer, Takehara Koreshige. Takehara passed it on to Hosokawa Tadaoki and then to Tadatoshi. After Tadatoshi was awarded the domain of Higo, the Takehara family became the Grand Master Family of Yabusame. It is said that during while the Jishukan clan school was active, Takeda School Yabusame was a compulsory subject along with Nijo-style Waka poetry, and lessons in etiquette.
Kumamoto City
Specific Location
Cultural Property Designation
Kumamoto Prefecture Designated Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property Mar. 24, 1975
Performance Date(s)
April and October (the Annual Grand Festival of Izumi Shirine) / Kumamoto Castle Festival
Performance Location
Izumi Shrine / Kumamoto Castle
Preservation Society
Specified non-profit corporation Takeda-school Yabusame Preservation Society