Tsumori Kagura
Category Name:Kagura
According to Mr.Kai of Tsumori Shrine , the Kagura was performed at Tsumori Shrine before it burned down in the Tensho Era. A document at the Shrine says that some kind of kagura dance was performed in 1615 and it may not be the same as the Higo Kagura or what we now know as the current Tsumori Kagura. Presently, the Tsumori Kagura is dedicated to the Tsumori Shrine on the occasions of its annual festival and the Ohoshi -Matsuri festival.
Mashiki Town
Specific Location
Jichu, Mashiki Town and other places他
Cultural Property Designation
part of Prefectural Intangible Folk Culutural Property
Performance Date(s)
holiday October 29-31
Performance Location
Tsumori Shrine
Preservation Society
Tusumori Shrine