Kaizu-Kato Shrine Higo Kagura


Category Name:Kagura

Kaizu-Kato Shrine, with Kiyomasa as the deity, was built as a guardian deity of this area by Kanakogi Ryohei, who directed the reclamation projects of Hyakuchi Shinchi (completed in 1805), Yonhyakucho Shinchi (completed in 1819), and Nanahyakucho Shinchi (completed in 1821). In 1880 (Meiji 13), a kagura group was set up, and the group attended the triannual ceremonies of Kato Shrine as well ceremonies at Innyaku and the Bunsei Shrines. The performance consists of 12 sets; music is the playing of flutes and drums with dances holding bells in their right hand and in their left, depending on the set, a masakaki (a branch of the sacred sakaki tree decorated with a silk strips), gohei, tsurugi (sword), and yumi (arrow) as props.


Yatsushiro City



Specific Location

Kaizu, Kagami-machi

Cultural Property Designation

City-designated Intangible Folk Cultural Property March 19, 2004

Performance Date(s)

January 1, February 24, July 24

Performance Location

Kaizu-Kato Shrine

Preservation Society

Kaizu-Kato Shrine Higo Kagura Preservation Society