Miyahara Gion-sha Shishi-mai (Lion Dance)


Category Name:Lion Dance / Tiger Dance / Bull Dance (Lion Dance)

The Gionsha of Miyahara is enshrined within the precincts of Ryo-jinja Shrine. The festival of this shrine is held on July 24 and 25 when a graceful lion dance is performed. There are two lions (2 people in each lion), one male and one female. The lion with a black head and green body is the male, and the one with a red head and brown body is the female. Depending on the performance, a tou-uchiwa fan (a bamboo fan with a hexagonal weave of bamboo at the end of a 1-meter-long bamboo stick, decorated with gold or five-colored paper) may be included. In the performance called "Kago Botan (Kago Peony)," two peonies made of aoki (Japanese laurel) and decorated with artificial red and white flowers are used. A taiko drum and flute are musical accompaniment.


Oguni Town


Lion Dance / Tiger Dance / Bull Dance (Lion Dance)

Specific Location

Miyahara Miyashita, Oguni Town

Cultural Property Designation

Kumamoto Prefecture Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property April 22, 1960

Performance Date(s)

July 24th,25th

Performance Location

Oguni-ryo Shrine Gion-sha

Preservation Society

Ichihara Town Shishi-mai Preservation Sociey