Takaba Kannon Festival
Category Name:Rites and Festivals (folk belief)
This festival is held every year on the second Saturday of July. It is said to have its origins in the "Fu-ryu Bon Odori," which was organized in the 12th century by Nakahara Morokazu (head of the Takaba district under the auspices of Shogun Minamoto Yoritomo) to pray for national safety. During the festival, younger members of the preservation society beat two drums on a wooden cart called the "Doranjar", play flutes, and parade around the town visiting the Kannon-do area several times. The festival now attracts many spectators from within and outside the city wishing for traffic safety and successful livestock breeding.
Koshi City
Rites and Festivals (folk belief)
Specific Location
Takaba Area (Kamim-machi, Yoko-machi, Shimo-machi)
Cultural Property Designation
Koshi City Folk Cultural Property (March 31, 1978)
Performance Date(s)
the 2nd Saturday of July
Performance Location
around Takaba Kannon-do Hall
Preservation Society
Takaba Kannon Festival Preservation Society